Unlock The Information Within Your Data
When was the last time your business looked “at the numbers”? No, not the balance sheet and income statements, but the numbers that tell the story. The ones that help you make informed decisions.
Many businesses suffer from a symptom called DRIP (Data Rich Information Poor). They sit on a treasure trove of data, but don’t go beyond “canned” reports to make decisions. ELY Analytics specializes in assisting businesses by mining and analyzing their raw data to help them identify performance improvement opportunities (financial and operational). Take out the guesswork. Send me your raw data and receive actionable and easy to understand information.
Whether you are in Healthcare, Banking, Insurance, or any other business, you still need to “slice & dice” and visualize your data. Go beyond your system’s canned reports and unlock the information within your data.
Examples of “unlocked information” include:
- which patient population is growing the fastest,
- which demographic segment is most profitable,
- who among your staff is the star performer,
- what is your turnaround time, by day and shift,
- what percentage of your MRI capacity are you utilizing,
- where do your clients live, and how many of them are within a 20 minute drive
Let the data tell you where you need to spend your energy, to maximize your return on investment.
By working with me, you save time and money. My prices are low because I have no overhead expenses. My professional experiences span several decades and fields, including Radiology, Strategic Planning, Engineering, Marketing, Operational Finance, and Lean Six Sigma / Performance Improvement.
For more information, email: ELYanalytics@Outlook.com or call 860-580-5177
Please remember, don’t suffer silently from DRIP. There is a cure!
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